
Powered by Behavioral Essentials, the E3 Assessment boosts awareness of a person’s strengths and highlights potential opportunities for growth. Using our behavioral assessment, benchmarks, and suite of reports, you can assess your employees and candidates, and scientifically match behaviors and core motivators to your company’s positions and culture.


A Scientific and EEO Compliant Methodology

The E3 Assessment is an effective, yet simple, scientifically-developed assessment that measures 21 core behavioral tendencies, motivators, and values of an individual. The E3 is based on scientific methodology for behavioral testing that has long been established as valid and reliable. Additionally, the E3 has been tested with thousands of companies and administered well over 1,000,000 times.

I believe that what you believe directly affects how you behave and perform.

Ben Utecht

Super Bowl XLI Champion, Chief Culture Officer, Tony Dungy Uncommon Award Recipient

Ben Utecht's Autograph
E3 Assessment

E3 Assessment

Driven By Decades of Behavioral Science

The E3 Assessment is based on adjective checklist methodology for behavioral testing that was established as a valid and reliable methodology in the 1950’s & 60’s, and has been tested with thousands of companies. Adjectives are used because they represent an individual’s preferences more accurately than statements or questions.

Only takes 8-10 minutes to complete

Instant Results

The Line Chart

Scientific Insights - Simple Results

The E3 Assessment identifies 21 behavioral scales, and the core behavioral tendencies of an individual which are shown on The Line Chart. The Line Chart is the foundation of our suite of reports and allows us to provide custom benchmarks and personalized coaching tools for hiring and development.

Identifies moderate, high and low scores for 21 behavioral scales

Provides a powerful mosaic of behavioral traits

Line Chart
Role Benchmark

The Role Benchmark

Identify the Right Fit Fast

Using data from your best employees, and through consultation, we create a benchmark for a specific role and overlay a prospective employee’s data.

Align a candidate’s core behaviors with the role requirements

Hire someone who will love their job and do it well

The Culture Fit Benchmark

Add To and Expand Your Culture

Through an in-depth culture study with the executive team, we create a benchmark of the most important behavioral scales for that company’s culture and overlay a candidate’s data.

Align a candidate’s behaviors with your company’s values

Add to, expand and strengthen your culture

Culture Fit Benchmark
Behavioral Questions

Behavioral Questions

Standardize Your Interview Process

Behavioral Questions based on an applicant’s key behavioral traits help you to explore behaviors outside the benchmarks during an interview.

Confirm and explore the candidate’s behavioral characteristics

Explore any areas of misalignment during the interview

The Hire Better Report

Instantly Prioritize Candidates

One simple report gives you a quick understanding of fit for the role and customizable interview questions based on the applicant’s behaviors.

Ranks someone on a scale of 1-10 to show how well they match a benchmark

Questions based on the benchmark for an interviewer to ask in order to confirm, evaluate, and explore the candidate’s behavioral characteristics

Hire Better Report
Coaching Report

The E3 Coaching Report

Understand and Develop Strengths and Growth Areas

The Coaching Report highlights a person’s seven key behavioral traits and provides practical growth recommendations and blind spots for each trait.

Cultivate self-awareness among you and your team

Provide general life coaching based on a person’s key behaviors

The Benchmark Coaching Report

Help Your Employees Grow in Their Role

The Benchmark Coaching Report highlights the behavioral scales of a role benchmark and provides practical growth recommendations for the scales where a person is outside the benchmark.

Present clear behavioral pathways to career advancement

Drive clarity on employee expectations & track progress

Benchmark Coaching Report
Culture Coaching Report

The Culture Coaching Report

Coach to Your Culture

The Culture Coaching Report highlights the behavioral scales of a culture benchmark and provides practical growth recommendations for the scales where a person is outside the benchmark.

Align employees to your culture

Create a great team environment with shared values

Comparison and Conflict

Improve Communication and Collaboration

Once you’ve identified your team member’s natural strengths, use The Comparison and Conflict Tool to help you maximize teamwork and strategically combine talents.

Compare up to 10 people’s data

Explore cautions & tips to help team members work better together

Comparison Report

Contact Us to Learn More

The E3 Assessment and reports can be rolled out during the Culture Operating Strategy Program or separately without going through the program.

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